Andrew Jones, the TallSkinnyKiwi, has offered a great post about Michael Horton's recent critique of the emerging church. TSK gives links to the Issues, Etc radio broadcasts featuring Horton (listen here), lists five good critiques from Horton, and sprinkles in a few personal responses to it all. I think Horton is right about a lot, and the emerging church should listen to him.
I blogged concerning this as well.
As I listen to Michael Horton and others of conservative Calvinsim, I feel that we who are both “Reformed” and “Emergent” must make very clear is that a hallmark of Reformation Theology is “semper reformata” (“always reforming”). This slogan needs to be trumpeted more and more, especially as Emergent is criticized more and more by Reformation Theologians.
Posted by: Bob Robinson | 05/08/2005 at 11:07 AM
I think you are exactly right Bob. Thanks for making that point here.
Posted by: Steve McCoy | 05/08/2005 at 12:48 PM