I think the Mahaney girls' blog, Girl Talk ("conversations on biblical womanhood and other fun stuff"), will be really good for women and their daughters when it kicks off on June 20th.
(HT: JT)
Jesus-follower, husband, father, pastor, photographer, writer
I think I might have just commented nothingness, but I'm not sure. Are women that into blogs? My wife hates blogs. I have 3 sisters, 1 wife, 1 mom, 1 m-in-law, and 1 sister-in-law. My s-in-law is the only one who reads blogs and she only reads journal blogs to keep in touch with and make new friends.
Posted by: John Mark | 06/02/2005 at 03:20 PM
JM, that's why I wanted to promote a good girl blog. :)
Posted by: Steve McCoy | 06/02/2005 at 03:24 PM
I haven't read any books by Reformed women. But the one or 2 I have seen seem to quote a lot from male Reformed theologians. It seems like they are afraid to put theology into their own words. I know they are in a tough position being in a community that emphasizes the women should not teach a man so much. If they are not referring to other male theologians they are talking about appropriate skirt length. That's my limited view though. what do you think?
Posted by: John Mark | 06/02/2005 at 03:50 PM
I am sure you are all familiar with the famous Proverbs 31 woman. Most Christian women long to be like her. Let’s see, what exactly did she do? She took care of the home, managed a vineyard, manufactured textile, worked as a seamstress and humanitarian. She trained and disciplined the children which included not only training them in the ways of God but also being responsible for their general education. She prepared the food and directed all the servant girls. She spoke with wisdom, implying that she needed to spend time studying God’s word herself. Today, we are responsible for very much the same things without the luxury of having those servant girls, and you wonder why there is not a stampede of women running to weblogs to discuss all things pomo. ;^)
Posted by: Jennifer Thorn | 06/03/2005 at 11:51 AM
Ouch. John Mark. Sorry. Those Thorns are hard to hold down. :) Great reply Jen.
Posted by: Steve McCoy | 06/03/2005 at 12:32 PM
thanks jennifer. I'll try to give some reasons why my wife doesn't like blogs. (i've never actually asked her, but these are my general impressions)
1-she doesn't like arguments
2-she views them as competition for my time with her
3-she figures i read enough blogs for both of us(she lovingly refers to me as the internet hog)
4-she works way too hard and doesn't have time for silly blogs
5-she gets her entertainment from elsewhere(tv, books)(i think blogs are primarily entertainment--see an interesting article by John Derbyshire about the growing intelligence of our entertainment http://www.nationalreview.com/derbyshire/derbyshire200505250801.asp
Posted by: jm | 06/03/2005 at 01:24 PM