I've been looking forward to the online ministry of Sam Storms for a while now. It's good to see Enjoying God Ministries is up and at 'em (so Piperesque, I know, but God is fairly Piperesque, so that's cool I guess).
Storms is working through Carson's book on the emerging church and putting up a series of responses as an "extended review." I'm linking them here as they come online. By the way, Mark Driscoll has a nice, concise review of Carson's book on Amazon.
I've been meaning to read through Storms' reviews. I think that it will be quite interesting to see how various people/groups interact with Carson's book.
Posted by: Ryan | 06/05/2005 at 02:42 AM
Nice to be back, and nice to have this note to Storms' view of DA Carson (did you know that I used to refer to him as "DA What's his name?" in my classes? Good fun.). He's being fair, and we can learn from this. His last note on pomo is nice, too.
Posted by: Scot McKnight | 06/06/2005 at 07:11 AM
I just call him "Don" so everyone things we're good friends on a first name basis.
Posted by: Steve McCoy | 06/06/2005 at 02:08 PM
Carson was on Open Line on Friday http://www.mbn.org/GenMoody/default.asp?SectionID=3CFD0531A9F34516B2CDACA689964EBE&subID=27589CAAFDAB4B1693B6B3A311DF59BA>speaking about the Emergent Church.
Don't know if you caught it but you can listen to it http://www.mbn.org/ContentStore/ProgAudioArchives/2005-06-03_Track-01_OpenLine.asx>here.
Posted by: Tim | 06/06/2005 at 06:52 PM
Thanks for the heads-up on Storms' reviews. Being a big Piper "Desiring God" fan, I very much enjoyed Storms' book as well. I thought that this review has been good so far! I'm looking forward to the rest of it.
Posted by: Bob Robinson | 06/09/2005 at 03:33 PM