Mark Driscoll has a nice post on Al Mohler's appearance on Larry King Live. He includes several of Mohler's quotes from the show, which are very good and generally humble.
By the way, I remember being in a conversation with Dr. Mohler and other students one time and he was explaining how hard it was to appear on shows like King's. It demands very quick reactions, and you need to speak and not mess up or you will be quoted all over the place. I have said before that I think Al Mohler is specifically gifted in ways that make his TV appearances come off well.
If you don't agree, please wait until at least Monday to blast me. Make it a high-priority task in your Treo. I need a break.
No, I don't disagree with Driscoll. Mohler did great. I thought Parshal left a little bit to be desired, but Mohler was super.
Mohler could have pounced all over some of the sad things that Chad Allen was saying, but he didn't. As a matter of fact, I think Allen thought the interview ended on a warm and fuzzy note.
In any case, Mohler took a stand for the Gospel and bore winess to Jesus Christ. So I thought it was great.
Posted by: Denny Burk | 01/29/2006 at 07:37 AM
Not having extended cable, I didn't see it Denny. Thanks.
Posted by: Steve McCoy | 01/29/2006 at 07:48 AM
Mohler always handles himself well, and is a better representation of me, as a Christian, than most of the yahoos they have on there. The woman came of cold, matter of fact and distant. Not good. Mohler came off compassionate, but walked into a couple of snags that I wish he could have countered. Bit I know on live TV you don't call the shots. Mark quotes Mohler, but check out how King responds.
MOHLER: ... Well, I want to speak of myself as a sinner, Larry. It's just a matter of which kind of sin and which pattern of temptation.
KING: You don't seem as angry as yourself. Just a comment.
And THAT is one of my concerns. Not that this is true of Mohler, but that this is how the culture views culture warriors.
Posted by: Joe Thorn | 01/29/2006 at 02:22 PM
I noticed that you asked not to be scourged on this thread and you got...ta-dum...3 comments.
Sounds like somebody(s) like heat more than light.
Matisyahu is a find, dude.
Posted by: Marty Duren | 02/02/2006 at 04:40 AM