Joe Thorn has pulled out his 9th Commandment trump card on some of the chatter about so-called "liberals." Sounds like this has a few Blue Like Jazz reviewers names all over it. Here's a teaser, but don't miss the whole thing...
Recently some men have been accused of being “liberal” theologians. Vague generalizations are being made, people are not quoted, sound argument is not made, but naked assertions and accusations are released in an effort to warn others to stay away. “That guy is a liberal in evangelical clothing!” My trouble is that in some cases these accusations amount to unrighteous distortions of the truth. And I have to say, I am grieved.
Am I the only one who’s going to say it? This is sin. Having a platform or a big mouth necessitates responsibility, clarity and charity. What I have seen lately is at best zeal without knowledge, or worse it is lying. Either way, it breaks the ninth and hurts the church.
The carelessness of it all amazes me. Watson explains that men who would never steal another’s goods don’t think twice about robbing a man of his reputation.
Great post. Thanks for the tip, Steve.
Posted by: Paul | 03/22/2006 at 05:43 PM
Blue like hell. Moore is to christian thought what superchick is to christian music. The church takes bad arguments way too seriously. Attention is often lends legitimacy to, in the words of Hilary Putnam, *bad* arguments, or in the case of Moore, really no argument at all. Moore realized Christianity didnt fit into his Texas sized box and he moved it to Portland. Surprisingly, there is more to the faith than the SBC. Baptist Superman says, "Moore no mo...go door to dooor"
Posted by: Baptist Superman | 03/22/2006 at 08:37 PM
I thought this was about the 9th commandment.
And it cuts both ways as Thorn stated. Don't miss the jabs on burnside about Coppenger (especially the link to his diring at MWBTS. Culpability abounding . . .
The blogosphere has proven to be the safest ground to violate the 9th commandment, of which I, too, amd convicted of and concerned about.
Posted by: Timmy Brister | 03/23/2006 at 11:39 AM
Timmy, true. My point was that though Thorn is very fair and helpful, it seems like his "liberal" example is obvious.
Posted by: Steve McCoy | 03/23/2006 at 01:24 PM
Baptist Superman,
You said: "Moore is to christian thought what superchick is to christian music."
That looks like another good example of a LIE to me. Look, I probably lean toward agreeing with Steve and Joe on this topic, but your broad sweeping statement there is unfounded and disrespectful. Unfortunately, since your statement is on the other side of the pendulum swing, it will likely go unnoticed by many.
Posted by: Wes Hagerman | 03/23/2006 at 09:08 PM
I think BS meant to say "Miller." He said the same thing on another blog but used Miller's name. He's a troll though. Some kid from Southwestern I believe.
Posted by: Joe Thorn | 03/23/2006 at 10:37 PM
Why don't we just call gossip what it is?
Oh I forgot. Men don't gossip do we. That's woman's sin!
Posted by: Joel Maners | 03/23/2006 at 11:06 PM
Joel finally has it figured out.
Posted by: Steve McCoy | 03/23/2006 at 11:48 PM