Hamo (Andrew Hamilton) over at Backyard Missionary has some good thoughts (not earth shattering, but good) in his three part series, "Some Thoughts on Missionary Work in Suburbia." He discusses six building blocks.
Post 1...
1. Proximity - being near people
2. Regularity - spending significant time together
Post 2...
3. Depth - going beyond the fluff in relationships
4. Conflict - being prepared to disagree and realise that’s ok and necessary
Post 3...
5. The Message - we need to speak about who we are, and why
6. The Supernatural - ultimately it still comes down to a work of God
Post 4...
Going a little deeper with the above six points
What do you think of Hamilton's model that he's working with in his context? Do you get behind that? Do you think that our missiology should give birth to eccelesiology?
Curious what your take is being another suburban guy...
Do you think your neighbors would respond more to this type of scenario over visiting where your church gathers in a building in more traditional form?
Posted by: Mike Edwards | 12/04/2006 at 10:13 PM
hi steve - i appreciate the link up mate.
you're right that there is no rocket science. funnily enough just making this stuff happen as simple as it is, often seems to be difficult!
Posted by: hamo | 12/04/2006 at 11:16 PM
Hamo, exactly. Thanks for stopping by.
Mike, if I understand you correctly, I'm a little of both. We are striving to be missional, but our church sees the attractional as important too.
Posted by: Steve McCoy | 12/04/2006 at 11:31 PM