I'm through season one of The Office and a few episodes into season two. Man, this show is funny.
I know there are a bunch of Office lovers out there. Anyone have a favorite episode or moment? So far my favorites are Diversity Day and any time Dwight says or does something.
I like the episode where Michael burns his foot. It was the first episode that I ever saw, and I was then hooked. I've seen every episode since. Diversity Day was very good too.
Posted by: Steve Weaver | 01/13/2007 at 01:36 PM
my wife and i are avid followers too...
diversity day, one of the best...
season 2: dwight's speeach; the dundies; office olympics
season 3: the initiation; a benihana christmas;
favorite quote of last week's show from micheal:
"You know what they say, fool me one, strike one, fool me again, strike three."
the thing about the office is the genius of the documentary approach and the fact that it actually has a very human side to it
Posted by: brad | 01/13/2007 at 01:41 PM
Jen and I are big office fans.
"Toby is in HR, which technically means he works for corporate, so he's really not a part of our family. Also, he's divorced, so he's really not a part of his family."
- Michael Scott
Posted by: Joe Thorn | 01/13/2007 at 01:46 PM
Diversity day, yes, very good. A personal favorite of ours is when Jim convinced Dwight he could manipulate office furniture etc. with his mind (via the help of Pam).
Posted by: Mark and Cara Jicinsky | 01/13/2007 at 01:47 PM
The Office is a hilarious show, but in my opinion the American version doesn't even compare to the British version.
Posted by: Dan | 01/13/2007 at 03:20 PM
This season has gotten progressively more uncomfortable, which is what makes it so good. My favorite, by far, is "The Merger" from this season.
Posted by: Noel | 01/13/2007 at 03:21 PM
I know some feel that way Dan, but not me. I started with the BBC version, and I think the NBC version blows it away.
Posted by: Joe Thorn | 01/13/2007 at 04:01 PM
The majority of my viewing has been from the third season, but I still think Benihana Christmas and Traveling Salesman are the best episodes I've seen. Favorite moment... All of the exchanges between Dwight and Jim from the elevator to the sale in Thursday's episode. Please see the deleted scenes on the official website!
Jim: Just like the old days.
Dwight: Yeah. You drive me there. I dominate. You drive me back.
Jim: (depressed) Yep. Just like the old days.
Posted by: Chase Abner | 01/13/2007 at 04:11 PM
i would say the benihana christmas is hands down the best episode ever! it doesn't get much better than michael 'marking' his date!
Posted by: monts | 01/13/2007 at 04:37 PM
My wife and I just started watching season one two weeks ago and are completely caught up (with help from a friend with this years episodes saved). My favorite episodes are where Jim and Dwight 'colide' ... particularly this last weeks episode where Dwight wouldn't enter the building first ... don't want to spoil it for you, but ... hillarious!
PS thanks for such a great site.
Posted by: Randy | 01/13/2007 at 05:02 PM
Joe, that quote you gave in your first comment was in an episode I watched today. Dangit, that was funny!
Posted by: Steve McCoy | 01/13/2007 at 05:04 PM
"That's what she said." - Michael Scott
My favorite episode of season 3 was the premiere: "Gay Witch hunt".
I nearly peed myself several times.
My all-time favorite episode is probably "the Injury". I don't know if I've ever laughed that hard before or since...
Posted by: bob Franquiz | 01/13/2007 at 05:24 PM
Finally, something I can relate too! Just kidding. Great site.
I have to whole-heartedly agree, Benihana Christmas is THE best episode so far. I restarted the series last night. It makes me so happy.
Michael Scott: Thank you very much sir! You are a gentleman and a scholar. ...Oh. I'm sorry. Okay. I'm sorry. My mistake. ...That was a woman I was talking to. She has a very low voice. Probably a smoker.
Posted by: Mark Grapengater | 01/14/2007 at 12:10 AM
I haven't been able to catch many episodes but my favorite ones are as follows:
1. When they play basketball against each other to see who has to work on Saturday.
2. The Halloween episode.
Posted by: bjnotbk | 01/15/2007 at 06:55 AM
Okay, so I'm a sucker for romance. I love when Jim is talking to Michael on the dinner cruise. I loved the kiss at the end of last season. So horribly fabulous!
And the "attack" on Dwight from the front on last week's episode made me laugh hysterically.
And I can never get enough of Jim's mugging for the camera.
Posted by: Ladybug | 01/15/2007 at 09:29 AM
wow. i'm getting into this dialogue really late. the office is one of the few "must see tv" shows we have in our family. one of my personal favorites is the episode where dwight and michael go through the complaints box--and jim confesses to dozens of things he has done to dwight. pretty funny. (i think that's season 2.)
likewise, there is a great pam/dwight/jim moment this season--it involves the cia, a helicopter and a cell phone. ha-sterical.
Posted by: Adam L. Feldman | 01/15/2007 at 10:05 AM
"The Injury" is my favorite episode so far: "I like to wake up to the sound of sizzling bacon in the morning. So sue me."
Posted by: Michael Foster | 01/15/2007 at 12:57 PM
My favorite so far--I don't know the episode or anything--but it's one where Jim convinces Dwight that he is sending himself faxes from the future. Great.
Posted by: Theisens | 01/15/2007 at 01:59 PM
The best place to watch "The Office" is during a bathroom break while at the office. You can't beat the episode when Jim and Andy get drunk while working late and end up singing "Closer to Fine". I
Posted by: Stew | 01/15/2007 at 02:49 PM
i'm a big fan of "Dwight's Speech," which you'll get later in season 2. it will really help your preaching...
Posted by: Luke Simmons | 01/15/2007 at 05:59 PM
YES. Dwight's speech = amazing. Season 2's "the injury" is also quite hilarious. my wife got me both seasons for Christmas. i love her.
Posted by: van.diesel | 01/15/2007 at 09:33 PM
I humbly submit that the BBC version (the original) of The Office has a depth, a pay-off, a painful awkwardness, and a reality that is unique.
Posted by: Luke Middleton | 01/16/2007 at 01:40 PM
Season 3 - Jim: Before I left I stole a bunch of letterhead so every now and then I like to send messages...to Dwight...from himself...from the future...
"Dear Dwight,
Today at 8:40 AM someone poisons the coffee. Do not let anyone drink the coffee.
Future Dwight"
Dwight: NNNNOOOOOOO! (knocks over Stanley's coffee as he dives to save Stanley)...You'll thank me later!
Best moment for me - specifics of dialogue may be off, but that's the jist.
Posted by: Chris Gensheer | 01/16/2007 at 11:56 PM
One of my favorite moments is actually on the deleted scenes. Dwight shoots a piece of potato through the window of the only warehouse office. It's on the "Boys and Girls" episode deleted scenes. It was the first time I was laughing so hard I had to hit pause.
Posted by: paul | 01/17/2007 at 02:58 PM
wow- you just got into the office! congrats. the basketball episode was my favorite followed by the episode michael finds out dwight tried to get his job.
Posted by: christian | 01/17/2007 at 06:50 PM
i blog every episode if anyone wants to join me...
Posted by: christian | 01/21/2007 at 08:24 AM
"The Injury" is my favorite. My favorite scene is when Michael is in the bathroom and Toby and Ryan are outside. It might be the funniest thing I've ever seen. It makes me laugh just thinking about it.
Posted by: JP | 01/21/2007 at 03:38 PM
JP, I just watched "The Injury" again last night. It's hilarious. My favorite part is when Dwight crashes his car and pukes on it. Awesome.
Posted by: Steve McCoy | 01/21/2007 at 04:21 PM