I made it home safely. One quick word to end the evening (as I get ready for tomorrow). All of the audio for the Baptist Identity Conference is up, including Ed Stetzer's talk which is probably the most important thing a Baptist has said about the Convention in some time. If you listen to one thing, listen to Ed. If you listen to a handful, please hear Mike Day, Greg Thornbury, and David Dockery. I haven't heard Timothy George since we had to leave early in order to get home in time to be ready for tomorrow.
I am listening to Stetzer's talk now. I am so glad to hear someone whose voice is listened to by many across the convention say the things that many of us have said or thought for a long time. I hope and pray that what he is saying is heard across the convention. I at least feel like I have an advocate at the North American Mission Board. thanks for bringing this to my attention Steve.
Posted by: Micah Mills | 02/17/2007 at 11:09 PM
Lot of good stuff on the Stetzer talk.Well worth listening to, even though, I'm not from SBC background.
Found his warning of "losing the creative people" from the church interesting.
My background is Brethren, and this is our argument from the past....we claim the best young men went to the Baptists!!
If the "most creative" ARE leaving SBC...where are they going?
Posted by: Kolin | 02/18/2007 at 12:03 PM
Kolin I think many of them are doing one of two things. Either putting denominational identity behind them and joining up with groups like Acts 29 and others and not being connected with anything denominationally. Sadly though I think there are some that are driven out of the church entirely and turn away from Christ. I know young men personally on both sides of this. To be completely honest being a 23 year old church planter in the SBC, I can't say that I blame some of them. There are many days I consider leaving behind the denomination and simply being a Christian without the name tag "Baptist" around my neck.
Posted by: Micah Mills | 02/18/2007 at 09:31 PM
I've never heard someone say both of these things: (1) the conservative resurgence was a good thing in its emphasis on theology and biblicism, and (2) that it has failed to pass the test of producing lives (speaking generally as to its affect on the convention as a whole) more passionate about missions (cf. James 3:13). That is an absolutely stinging rebuke. This is our job brothers. This is where our theological enthusiasm must be channeled. We must transfer our theological passion into a fuel that drives contextualized evangelism.
I've just never heard someone say that THIS is where the "takeover" or "resurgence" has failed . . . how can we disagree?
Posted by: Brian Davidson | 02/19/2007 at 12:15 PM
Timothy George's talk was excellent as well. I'd place it right behind Mike Day's as the best of the conference.
It was good seeing you and Joe. You guys are doing great work.
Posted by: Alan Cross | 02/19/2007 at 09:36 PM
The Stetzer paper is the first hopeful thing I've heard from the SBC in years. Made my day.
Posted by: JTapp | 02/20/2007 at 02:51 PM