I just wrote myself a note yesterday to remember to reread The Reformed Pastor by Richard Baxter. Now you can get the audiobook for free. I just got it, so should you. Via Justin Taylor...
ChristianAudio's "Free Audiobook of the Month" is Richard Baxter's classic, The Reformed Pastor.
In his introduction, Baxter writes: "Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood." This charge from Acts 20:28 only is the beginning of a solemn and overarching task to be personally involved and disciple all of your congregants. Richard Baxter's plea for shepherding his flock continues with a charge to pastors to verify their own spiritual walk and then walks them through various disciplines, strategies, and goals to guide and instruct their congregation.
Use the coupon code MAY2007 during checkout to get the download format of The Reformed Pastor for free!
Your Price: $0.00
List Price: $22.98
Thanks Steve.
Downloading it at the moment...though why they don't have all the European countries in their log-in details, I do not know!! :-(
Posted by: Kolin | 05/02/2007 at 02:52 AM
I've been looking for a really effective remedy for those rare times when I have trouble falling asleep at night. Now I can use "The Reformed Pastor" on audio!
Seriously, I could never encourage a young man to read or listen to Baxter, simply because of the excessive guilt that he would heap upon them. It's a performance treadmill of the most subtle kind. This book may cause more damage than good within Reformed evangelical churches: as authoritarian "shepherds" tend to feed on his model and push themselves into an aggressive priesthood that would rival anything that's ever come out of Rome!
I hope the audiobook download comes with the warning, "The contents of this book may pose a serious risk to your spiritual health!"
Posted by: Bill Lollar | 05/05/2007 at 04:29 AM