Justin Taylor has an interview with Tim Keller about his new book The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism. I think this book will be a great resource for skeptical friends, due in February
OnMovements (first posted by Sam Metcalf) let's us know How to Kill a Movement.
Nelson Searcy's assimilation book is now out: Fusion: Turning First Time Guests into Fully-Engaged Members of Your Church. Get some free resources from the Fusion Site.
More free Jerram Barrs' resources (audio, pdf) from Monergism. Covenant Seminary stuff.
People are talking about Neil Cole's Organic Church (which just came from Amazon today). Tim Chester has a thought-provoking post, Seven Principles for Planting Organic Churches. Chester has another great quote on making new believers evangelists and church planters. Church Planting Novice explains How to Grow a Missional Church.
SUBURBIA: Watch some James Howard Kunstler on YouTube. He is often very helpful on issues of suburbia.
Thanks for the shout out for Fusion! Glad you found it helpful.
Posted by: Nelson Searcy | 01/20/2008 at 01:22 PM