Quick update on Molly. She is finishing up her third round of steroids tomorrow, so we hope that will have a good result. But as of today she has had more numbness/tingling in her legs than ever before. Her balance issues are dramatic. She is sleeping a little better, but not nearly enough yet. It's still very worrisome around here, but God is our refuge (we read and prayed Ps 52 with our kids this morning).
Kung-Fu Election. "Huck-uh-beeee!"
Good Wendell Berry website that I wasn't aware of until a few weeks ago. New Wendell Berry Poetry. New Billy Collins poetry. Poems for autumn.
JD Greear - Multi-Site vs Church Planting. Bill Streger - Great Questions for Pastors. Jonathan Dodson - Redefining Evangelism.
Questions to ask before confronting. Powlison on Friendship Counseling.
BibleArc. Tom Schreiner taught me this at SBTS. Could be a cool resource site. We'll see.
I have this ESV Study Bible. Haven't used it enough to say too awful much (though I like what I've seen), but I do really dig the online version that is available for those who buy a hard copy. Place for notes, highlighting text in different colors, and the full content of the study Bible. I will use the online resource several times a week. You should get one! Westminster is a great place to buy books, especially ESV Bibles.
Wendell Berry sites crack me up. I'm glad they exist, but Berry himself would be the last person to promote them, lol.
Posted by: Jeremiah Fyffe | 10/22/2008 at 04:04 PM
I'm glad to see that Summit is now wanting to do chuch plants in RTP. I knew Summit wanted to do them elsewhere, but am glad they made this good turn around.
Posted by: Burly | 10/23/2008 at 07:11 AM
Praying. Ps.52 is a good one to camp on.
Would love to have an esvsb. Enjoyed LEAD comments.
Posted by: WES | 10/23/2008 at 09:18 AM