Ray LaMontagne is so good. Just picked up his new CD this week, though I haven't heard it yet. I remember when I got his first CD and I didn't know anyone who knew him. Awesome. Check out his new stuff at MySpace. Here's a video from Ray on Conan (yeah, I know it doesn't fit, whatever)...
New Shearwater EP, The Snow Leopard (iTunes, Amazon). Get it. Get everything from Shearwater. Please.
Jens Lekman singing "Black Cab" while in a Black Cab Session. Really wonderful.
And to give you a bit of an oldie, here's Midnight Oil with "Beds are Burning." Lead singer Peter Garrett is now an Australian politician. Sometimes politics and music can just suck eggs. Other times, like with Midnight Oil, it can be great...
wow. i'd forgotten how good Midnight Oil was. thanks for this.
Posted by: myles | 10/20/2008 at 02:54 PM
I never forgot how great Midnight Oil was. I actually was listening to them last week! If only I could convince my wife how fantastic they really are.
Posted by: Tyler H. | 10/20/2008 at 03:33 PM
Garrett's lyrics came back to bite him over the whole US Alliance/Bases thing during the previous election. It is a bit tougher for a politician to go back on their position when they stated it in a chart topping protest song.
Posted by: John S. | 10/20/2008 at 10:36 PM