From the Redeemer Church Planting Center (via
The Global Cities Initiative Conference took place in New York City on September 9 - 11, 2009. Over 80 cities were represented by ministry leaders and church planters, and the experience culminated in the signing of a covenant (found in a link to the right under "Related Media.")
Tim Keller gave three plenary addresses at GCI, which you can stream by clicking on the titles to the right (or download by right-click). Also to the right are downloadable pdfs of the outlines of these talks, which were distributed at the conference. The talks were:
September 9th - "Gospel Renewal"
September 10th - "City Focus"
September 11th - "Movements & Ecosystems"
The conference was hosted by Redeemer Church Planting Center in partnership with Transform World Connections, which was founded and is currently led by Luis Bush.
Links to the audio and PDF's...
Drool. Thanks for posting this up mate.
Kevin - Sydney, Australia
Posted by: Kevin Thow | 01/07/2010 at 09:19 PM
I’m excited to see that such initiatives are taking place. What discourages – as-a-hopeful-church-planter-in-the-future-kind-of-guy – is the lack of processes in taking one, like me that is not “technically” (see below) ready to plant a church tomorrow through a process of training that will enable them to get there. For those in my position, I can only find the emotional strength to simply smirk while contorting my face. As a church planter yourself, what’s your opinion for guys that want to be trained, equipped, and prepared to plant reproducing churches?
“Technically” speaking, I have been told that I do not have enough preaching experience ( 2 ½ years as an Assistant) and I’ve not completed my M.Div. (August 2010, Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary). Based upon this answer, you can probably narrow down which organization(s) I may be talking about
Posted by: Jesse Wisnewski | 01/12/2010 at 08:17 PM
Jesse, what are you doing to prepare? Is your local church/pastor doing anything?
Posted by: Steve McCoy | 01/13/2010 at 05:15 PM
@ Steve:
Currently, nothing.
I was serving at an Evangelical Presbyterian Church for 2 1/2 years (April 09) but resigned for several reasons. Ever since that time I have been obligated with work 60hrs, school 18-20 hrs, and family the rest (wife and 3 kids). With that being said, I have been personally not been doing much since April. Well, I did take a church planting class and made a proposal for my local area.
Posted by: Jesse Wisnewski | 01/13/2010 at 07:00 PM
Steve. Some of these links are broken. Do you know if they are still out on the internet somewhere? Thanks.
Posted by: Kevin Rush | 03/23/2010 at 06:48 AM
Kevin, I don't know of anything else. I know that when I search for it Reformissionary comes up. :) If I find something I'll let you know.
Posted by: Steve McCoy | 03/23/2010 at 08:48 AM