Praying for the people of Haiti. Please comment with your recommendations on where to donate to help, and feel free to include a link. Redeemer lists three ministries.
If you aren't reading Trevin Wax (Twitter) he's doing good blogging. His book, Holy Subversion, comes out soon. Worth checking out.JD Payne, my church planting professor at SBTS, author, missiologist, is now on Twitter and blogging. I just got his newest book in the mail, Discovering Church Planting and look forward to digging into some sections that might help during our church renewal process.
Memphis is starting to talk about Jonathan McIntosh.
Mark Dever interviews Matt Chandler, pre-cancer diagnosis.
Brent Thomas is no longer the Baptist he never was.
Brief Molly Update: She is doing well, with no major symptoms or issues. Very blessed.
I've created a free design to download in support of Haiti relief - - feel free to post to your Facebook/Twitter profile, download to your desktop, or put on your iPhone.
They desperately need our prayers...
Posted by: Jason | 01/15/2010 at 09:42 AM
Posted by: RJ | 01/16/2010 at 04:54 AM
Love your links, always great food for thought.
Posted by: Shane | 01/17/2010 at 08:30 AM
Paypal donations possible through these two organizations (one is Christian Mission, the other a Hospital - separate, but connected in the same city). My wife worked with both for a summer and we have supported them since. They are already having an impact from afar (read: their location is away from the earthquake and many distant family members are coming from the affected areas and they are bringing folks in as they can):
I can send you updates from them via email if you would like them, Steve.
Posted by: Burly | 01/19/2010 at 08:55 AM