"God was an entrepreneur. He brought something out of nothing. He brought order out of chaos. And why did He do it? He did it, not because He had to, He did it because He wanted to. He did it for the joy of doing it. Creativity, it was just a joy to do. It wasn't a means to an end. It was the end itself. And this, I think, is important because we're made in His image. And therefore you don't really need a reason to create or to start something new. You don't really need a reason. Because...there's a sense in which God did not have to do it. He did it for the joy of doing it. And when you and I know we're made in the image of God it shouldn't surprise us that for a lot of us, especially those who are gifted in this particular area, we do it because we're just reflecting our Creator."
I wonder how this fits with the biblical statements that God created for a purpose—namely, to magnify Jesus (e.g., Col. 1:16, "“All things were created . . . for [Christ]”).
It seems like Tim may be presenting a false dichotomy: either something is done for joy or of necessity, and if it's the former then it doesn't require a reason or a purpose. I would say that God created not out of necessity but for a joyful purpose, a means to the end of magnifying his goodness and glory.
What do you think?
Posted by: Justin Taylor | 05/13/2010 at 04:43 PM
JT, did you watch the entire clip? There's a lot more to it than the part I transcribed. He explains the wrong purposes of creating that he is trying to combat and more.
Posted by: Steve McCoy | 05/14/2010 at 03:47 PM
After reading James Davidson Hunter..."To Change the World" ....I realized the reason I have never really bought into Keller is because he depends on Hegelism.
His statement on the back of that book made me go WOW thats it.Dilectialism.....yes
its true in this piece too isnt it.
Robert I Masters
from the Southern Baptist Geneva
Posted by: Robert I Masters | 05/14/2010 at 05:07 PM
I think the basic point is well taken. Create for the joy of creating. Have joy as you work. Too often, we get caught up in the results we are hoping for, forgetting that God is in control of the results. We are commanded to be joyful, so let's do it!
Posted by: David, justopenthebook.com | 05/26/2010 at 02:35 PM