Darrin's definition of the Gospel...
The gospel is the good news that the Eternal God entered our sinful world as the Eternal Son of God, Jesus, and lived a life of perfect obedience to the Father
(Jesus) died as a sacrifice in the place of sinners, rose triumphantly from death as a sign of sin’s defeat and the Father’s acceptance of his Son’s atoning sacrifice, establishing righteousness for those who had no righteousness of their own.
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If you don't nail the gospel definition, social justice will distract you from the gospel.
If you don't do justice in your neighborhood, don't do it in your city.
Darrin makes four main point to help frame our discussion about the church’s role in social justice.
1. The church is called, first and foremost, to proclaim the gospel.
2. You must not use social justice to avoid the offense of the cross.
3. Churches should plant other churches.
The best thing you can do to encourage social justice is plant other churches.
4. The “institutional” church must equip individuals who will become the “organic” church.
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