UPDATE 3/7 at 4:20pm: Molly's MRI has been scheduled for 2:30pm on Friday, March 16th at the University of Wisconsin Hospital in Madison. Last time it took just over 3 hours (if I remember correctly).
It's been a long time (over a year) since my last post on my wife's 4 1/2 year struggle with Chiari I Malformation. Find out about her diagnosis, symptoms, surgeries, and more in my series of posts: Molly & Chiari. Here's a brief, but important, update.
Molly's symptoms are returning in a significant way. This has happened before, as you can note from previous posts. A few times they have subsided. But they don't always, which is why she's had brain surgery twice. We live with the understanding that at any point something can happen that causes her spinal fluid flow to decrease and that would result in another surgery. Her stent could dislodge or clog. Scar tissue could form around it. Or maybe something else we don't anticipate.
Currently her symptoms are headaches (significant ones, some have led to vomiting), numbness in hands/feet, difficulty thinking or "brain fog," balance problems, continuous physical fatigue and weakness, nausea, waking without feeling rested, etc. She is easily overwhelmed. A trip to the store with all the colors and sounds and busyness can be difficult for her to endure. At times she has to find a quiet place and just stop because of the sensory overload.
This time around the symptoms have started and have kept increasing over a longer period of time. That may not mean anything significant and she may eventually recover. But it's bad enough right now that her neurosurgeon, Dr. Frim, wants another set of MRIs done. I've been emailed the MRI order just a few minutes ago and we will be working today to schedule an appointment as soon as possible at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. After reviewing those images, Dr. Frim will be able to see if something is wrong and if we need to make an appointment with him.
We'd appreciate your prayers for healing and strength for Molly. For comfort. For peace in times of great frustration. For a deep trust in the goodness of God. For me as I need to serve her well, help with the house and kids, help her shop, etc.
Thanks as always to the many friends (and many others we've never met!) who have been prayer warriors on Molly's behalf. To God be the glory.
I have begun praying for you guys Steve, I am grateful for your ministry and for your honesty through these struggles and I do pray that God gives you peace and strength to care for your family and that God sustains, strengths and even heals your wife.
Posted by: Zac Martin | 03/07/2012 at 01:28 PM
We will be praying for Molly, for you, and for the kids too. We love you guys.
Posted by: Denise | 03/07/2012 at 01:33 PM
Praying for Molly, you, and the family.
Posted by: Jeffery | 03/07/2012 at 02:09 PM
Praying for Molly, you, and your kids. Praying God's grace and presence will be evident through everything. Praying whatever needs to be known will be from the MRI.
Posted by: Randy | 03/07/2012 at 03:39 PM
Steve, I will be praying for Molly, you and your kids.
Posted by: Terry | 03/07/2012 at 04:22 PM
Thank you for the update. I'm so sorry that the symptoms are returning. Danielle and I will be praying for y'all on Friday.
Posted by: dnaiel | 03/07/2012 at 10:23 PM
Haven't been on here in a while, but checked in just now and saw the post. Will be praying. Blessings and Peace.
Posted by: Account Deleted | 03/08/2012 at 01:32 AM
Steve - I found your blog some months ago because of your music reviews and recommendations. Thanks for sharing what is going on with your family...So sorry to hear of your wife's battle with chiari. Will definitely be praying for your family!
Posted by: Josh James | 03/08/2012 at 06:49 AM
Thanks for the prayers, everyone!
Posted by: Steve McCoy | 03/08/2012 at 10:05 AM
Hi Steve. My name is Pete Dal Bello and I am the founder and president of the International Chiari Association (ICA). We are a nonprofit organization. Both you and Molly are in our thoughts and prayers. We added info about your blog on our Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/chiariassociation) and in the ICA Newsroom on our web site (http://www.chiariassociation.org/newsroom). Take care and please remember that the ICA is here for both of you.
Posted by: Pete Dal Bello - International Chiari Association (ICA) | 03/15/2012 at 06:47 PM
The correct links are the following:
Posted by: Pete Dal Bello - International Chiari Association (ICA) | 03/15/2012 at 06:52 PM
Thanks Pete!
Posted by: Steve McCoy | 03/17/2012 at 11:27 PM