UPDATE 10.30.12: Use coupon code PASTORS and get the hardback book for $4.60 (80% off!).
I watched this video today (below) for Paul David Tripp's new book, Dangerous Calling. I immediately went searching for my wife so she could watch it with me. By the end she was tearing up a bit and then we had a 30 minute conversation about the last 8 1/2 years of pastoral ministry and the struggles and pain we've experienced in our family & relationships. It was very difficult to be this honest, but it was very fruitful.
I'm buying Dangerous Calling right now, as well as the conference DVD's (10 - 25 minutes sessions | grab the free leader's guide and discussion guide). WTS bookstore has great deals for the next 6 days: hardcover $12 (48% off, or 5 for $10 a piece) and conference DVD's $15 (62% off). Kindle is out on October 31st.
Dangerous Calling from Crossway on Vimeo.
Wow. This book looks needed.
Posted by: CulturalSavage | 10/24/2012 at 05:15 PM
I agree with with most of what was said, I am a missionary and in our org, I can see this being fleshed out with most of them men that I work with don't know their own heart.
Jesus calls me a friend, I am His Son, I am a sinner as a verb but not as a noun!
Posted by: Tim | 10/25/2012 at 03:36 AM
This book is so helpful. You'll love it (even when it makes you squirm a bit).
Posted by: Aaron Armstrong | 10/29/2012 at 03:24 PM