Don't miss these Kindle books on sale right now. I think I heard some may not be on sale after today, so if you're going to pull the trigger on these, do it now. And if you don't have the Kindle Paperwhite, I highly recommend it. It was difficult for me to start reading consistently on a Kindle, and I still buy hard copies of all books I consider worthy of reading more than once and/or using for reference, but the Paperwhite is a game-changer for me because of the screen, nighttime reading, ease of use, etc. Grab a 3G or Wifi Kindle Paperwhite.
- A Puritan Theology by Joel Beeke ($9.99 for a book that's $30-$40 hardcover)
- Puritan Evangelism by Joel Beeke ($2.99)
- Simple Church by Thom Rainer & Eric Geiger ($2.99)
- Vertical Church by James MacDonald ($4.99)
UPDATE - Now also on sale...
- Evangelism & The Sovereignty of God by J.I. Packer ($2.99)
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