In his new blog post about his book, Every Good Endeavor, Tim Keller discusses four ways Christian faith influences and shapes our work. It is what he says is the meaning of his book in a nutshell. Here they are listed for you. Go read Dr. Keller's post, "How Faith Affects Our Work" for more explanation of these four points. And pick up a copy of Every Good Endeavor.
- The Christian faith gives us a moral compass, an inner GPS giving us ethical guidance that takes us beyond merely the legal aspects or requirements in any situation.
- Your Christian faith gives you a new spiritual power, an inner gyroscope, that keeps you from being overthrown by either success, failure, or boredom.
- The Christian faith gives us a new conception of work as the means by which God loves and cares for his world through us.
- The Christian faith gives us a new world-and-life view that shapes the character of our work.
Thanks for this Steve... helpful to get an overview like this... I'll have to pick it up.
Posted by: Matt | 12/04/2012 at 05:06 PM