Sometimes as Southern Baptists we simply outdo ourselves. The main article in today's Baptist Press release is titled, "Les Miserables finds support, caution in Christian community."
The main support comes from people like SBC President, Bryant Wright and Trevin Wax over at LifeWay. The article does end with more positive notes about the film, so I want to give some credit to Erin Roach/BP for that. But my concern is the space given to the main "caution" for the film. It's from Travis Ragon, a Kansas City counselor and grad of Midwestern, who...wait for it...didn't see the movie. I'll give you a taste.
Travis Ragon (pronounced Reagan)...said he is confused and grieved by Christians' enthusiastic support of the film.
Ragon cites elements of Les Miserables that he views as directly in conflict with foundational Christian values: instances of the Lord's name being used in vain, pervasive sexual innuendo, gratuitous depictions of sexual acts, and a scene that apparently has left some viewers feeling emotionally raped.
"Perhaps more than anything else this movie has become a review of where we as Christians have chosen to walk," Ragon wrote in comments to Baptist Press. "It seems that we have become systematically desensitized to sin. We are [accustomed] to the effect it has on our souls."
[...]Ragon has not seen Les Miserables. "I try to research any movies which I might watch, including ones in my home," he said. "... I enjoy music and a good movie. In being a good steward, I try to be diligent in what I give my time and money to."
Seriously, Baptist Press? Please edit this article and remove the comments from the guy who hasn't seen the movie. You can't allow someone who hasn't seen the movie describe in detail what's actually in the movie! Even if you wanted to share an opinion of someone who wonders if the content is appropriate, to give it this much space is ridiculous.
As a pastor who saw the film with my four kids, I can confidently say Ragon's descriptors are inaccurate. Statements about the film's "pervasive sexual innuendo" and "gratuitous depictions of sexual acts" are way overblown. Inaccurate. Misleading. Why would you publish such a thing? It's no wonder why my neighbors think "Southern Baptists" are about what we are against. We can NOT see a film, give contrary opinions to the SBC President, and still get plenty of shelf space in an article. We need to do better.
I am glad for your opinion on this. However, the affect on my blood pressure not so much.
Posted by: Todd | 01/17/2013 at 09:13 PM
That is after reading the post . . . not from your opinion.
Posted by: Todd | 01/17/2013 at 09:13 PM
I'd like to offer my opinion on this post but I didn't read it. Therefore this post is full of heresy, apostasy and sex. Maybe even slow dancing and/or drinking.
Posted by: Gabe | 01/17/2013 at 09:49 PM
Thanks Todd. Though I care about your health, too! :)
Posted by: Steve McCoy | 01/17/2013 at 09:55 PM
Gabe, well done.
Posted by: Steve McCoy | 01/17/2013 at 09:58 PM
I haven't seen the movie, but haven't told anyone else to see the movie. I do typically look at reviews to see what kind of sexual content a movie includes,... the couple i have seen that talk about that did say it had "gratuitous depictions of sexual acts"... is that not true? Not wanting a debate, just wondering.
Posted by: Jason Delgado | 01/18/2013 at 08:29 AM
oops I meant I haven't told anyone NOT to see it.
Posted by: Jason Delgado | 01/18/2013 at 10:23 AM
There is a 2-3 second shot of Madame Thénardier on top of Santa (i think? i forget who the guy was),
so some might call that gratuitous, others would call that part of the story.
Posted by: kevin | 01/18/2013 at 10:26 AM
And I'd say nothing that was part of Fantine's life was gratuitous.
Posted by: kevin | 01/18/2013 at 10:28 AM
You left out the best line: "One song in the film is so filled with vileness, Ragon said, that Christians who give positive reviews of Les Miserables should consider standing before their churches and reading the lyrics aloud."
So... it's so vile that it's fit to be heard in church?
I suppose it's actually an attempt to shame us away from appreciating the song on the grounds that sinfulness isn't welcome in church. Which tells us everything we need to know about Ragon's theology.
Posted by: Eric | 01/24/2013 at 07:55 AM