Wowzers. Quite a list of fantastic books. A couple of notable choices to start, and then the larger list. Pick up some and please pass the list on to others. Kindle is one of my favorite ways to add good & cheap books to my theological (and beyond) library. If you don't have one, I do recommend the Kindle Paperwhite, I use the Paperwhite 3G Version, or you can always read on free Kindle apps.
- Michael Horton: Pilgrim Theology ($4.99 - $30 off!)
- Tim Keller: Center Church ($4.99 - $25 off!)
- David Murray: Jesus on Every Page ($2.99)
- Rodney Stark: The Triumph of Christianity ($5.49)
- N.T. Wright: The Case for the Psalms ($3.79)
- Gloria Furman: Glimpses of Grace ($2.99)
- Elyse Fitzpatrick: Give Them Grace ($2.99)
- Albert Mohler: The Conviction To Lead ($3.49)
- Nik Ripkin: The Insanity of God ($2.99)
- Mike Cosper: Rhythms of Grace ($2.99)
- Michael Horton: Putting Amazing Back Into Grace ($3.99)
- Wayne Grudem: Christian Beliefs ($2.99)
- James Hamilton: God's Indwelling Presence ($1.99)
- Randy Newman: Bringing the Gospel Home ($1.99)
- Robert Cheong: God Redeeming His Bride ($4.99)
- D.A. Carson: A Call To Spiritual Reformation ($3.99)
- Sally-Lloyd Jones: Thoughts To Make Your Heart Sing, Vol 1 ($1.99)
- Timothy Land & Paul David Tripp: How People Change ($2.99)
- Matt Chandler: The Explicit Gospel ($2.99)
- James White: The Forgotten Trinity ($3.99) | Mary -- Another Redeemer? ($2.99)
- Joel Beeke & William Boekestein: Why Christ Came: 31 Meditations on the Incarnation ($4.99)
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