I find it both frustrating and hysterical that after a landslide victory on
the alcohol resolution we have a couple of unthinkable things happening. To
use the words of a very recent SBC President, it's one of the most unthinkable things imaginable.
1. Those who champion the alcohol resolution are quick to admit the
resolution and biblical teaching on alcohol don't match. I'm sure they
wouldn't like the way I've worded that. Whatever. It's true and
they seem to feel a great motivation to admit it.
Jim Smith (Florida Baptist Witness): "As noted in the debate on the
resolution, it’s clear from Scripture that wine was consumed during biblical
times — and that it is even encouraged in moderation in select passages of the
Danny Akin (SEBTS): "Does the Bible by direct command condemn the use
of alcohol in every instance? The honest answer is no it does not. Jesus
clearly turned water into wine (John 2)."
No matter what else these guys say, it's clear that they are supporting what
they consider to be an extra-biblical resolution. How hilarious is
that? And the bigger problem is that these ideas are not just
extra-biblical, they are anti-biblical.
For example, Danny Akin also says, "I have observed for some time a
growing emphasis on our 'liberty in Christ' that I fear neglect of our
'responsibility in Christ.'" Sure, we get his point on
responsibility. Let's not try to trump responsibility with our
liberty. There are certainly times to abstain for the sake of others, and
any faithful Christian of any stripe will strive to live that way.
But both responsibility AND liberty are Jesus things. We cannot act
like responsibility nullifies our liberty, or why have liberty? They both have their place, and anyone who
interprets our responsibility as totally abstaining from a liberty has
misinterpreted responsibility. That's
why when these guys say that all should abstain all the time we have moved into
the realm of absurdity.
Of course there is one, clear biblical warrant for this kind of thinking:
the Pharisees. Yes, those "strong conservatives" knew how to
take seriously all the "contextual and principle considerations"
behind their extra-biblical rules. I'm sure their intentions were often
good, desiring Scriptural fidelity and a "holy life." But they
were condemned because they missed the grace that sets us free, opting rather
for their own interpretations and additions to the Law.
Now, let me be clear. (Unfortunately,
I have to spend time on this because so many of our leaders not only have a poor
understanding of liberty and responsibility, but they also have a poor
understanding of biblical conservatism and liberalism.) I’m an inerrantist & Calvinist. I’m an expository preacher who regularly has
people leaving our services telling me that they are feeling terribly convicted
over some sin. And I submit that our
so-called “strong conservatives” are actually less conservative than me on this
issue. The most conservative
conservatives (biblically speaking) are sola
scriptura-ists, and anyone who pushes extra-biblical rules that disqualify
Jesus for SBC service is less conservative because they are NOT sola-scriptura-ists.
Let me move on.
2. Those who champion the alcohol resolution seem to be speaking as if they
lost the vote, yet they had like 85-90% of the vote! This is remarkably
queer. Their massive "win" on this resolution is strangely only
a small comfort.
Do you believe it? They propose a resolution that has
no biblical backing and are surprised that some want to debate it. Then
they win by a landslide and feel the need to keep pushing the issue as if they
lost. Why is this happening?
I think for at least two reasons, though probably more. First, they need
something to celebrate after getting pummeled at the poles on nominations. Some will now put me in the ranks of some who
pushed hard for other nominations, but if you read my blogs you know I’m in
disagreement with them on this issue.
Second, they are disturbed that there was even a
conversation to be had on alcohol! From Jim Smith's article...
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary president Paige
Patterson…nicely summarized the alcohol resolution debate when he told me,
“Sadly, I would never have believed that I would see a 45 minute debate at the
Southern Baptist Convention on a resolution on abstinence from beverage
alcohol. When one considers that the alcohol industry devastates more lives and
homes today than any industry other than the pornography industry, such a
question is doubly unthinkable. Positively, the resolution was adopted by 90
percent of the messengers, a critically important resolution in light of some
pastors who now openly boast of imbibing alcohol.”
This much is clear: the Southern Baptist establishment is
terrified of more than just abused liberty. They are terrified of even responsibly exercising biblical
liberty. Why else would they push for extra-biblical rules? Liberty allows churches
to be autonomous, and Christians to be responsible to God for their use of
liberties, and even *gulp* allows some people to blog. So some have been
making new rules and resolutions on baptism and tongues and blogging trustees
and alcohol and who is able to serve as a convention leader and who is not.
Fear causes people to do very strange things, like make rules that would
disqualify Jesus and the Apostles and Old Testament saints from SBC service.
The sad thing is, fear is what led the Pharisees to seek the death of our
Savior. Fear of a political takeover. Fear of losing power and
authority and privilege. It seems the SBC "strong conservative"
leaders have, like the Pharisees, turned a blind eye to the Scriptures they say
they love so dearly. In that stance they
continue to vilify and isolate brothers who enjoy the things Jesus enjoyed,
even in a responsible and thoughtful way.
I strongly disagree with Dr. Akin, Jim Smith, and their
lot. I think their position is hurting
our convention, our witness, our mission work, the outworkings of the
conservative resurgence, and more. I
think they are pushing away from our convention our best and brightest young
pastors because of extra-biblical resolutions like this. I think they are showing the world that the
SBC and Jesus aren’t as close as we hoped.
And at the same time I would NEVER, EVER say these men are unregenerate. I love them both and spoke briefly with Smith
and Akin at the convention. I have great
respect for the work they do and the many wise things they say. But in this case they are both working
against the Savior they love.
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